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Stay with in a sentence

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Sentence count:187+9Posted:2017-09-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: play withget away withdo away withrun away withmake away withplay with fireget away with murdertoy with
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121. Jenny is convinced she was meant to stay with Zev.
122. We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay with us, will visit us again, and recommend us to your friends.
123. So my mother went down the mountain to stay with Bea.
124. Darren comes to stay with Nikki and is quick to get up the nose of everyone he meets.
125. But my first option is to stay with Lazio.
126. Bumblebee: I wish to stay with the boy.
127. Do you plan to stay with HG Company?
128. They besought that he might stay with them.
129. One day in 1945, a mystery birl baby appeared in the orphanage in Carifronc. No one knew who her parents were and where she came from. Nobody liked to stay with her and so she grew up lonely.
130. But Gramps and Gran are going to the meeting, too. So Brother and Sister can't stay with them.
131. He went to stay with an aunt, and grew closer to her daughter, Emma Wedgwood.
132. Now some of those that get to stay with the planet are elderly and their bodies can't be prepared and they should reincarnate anyway, and these ones will, either here or on the new planet.
133. So leo and sienna asked if they could stay with you?
134. After telling me I'd never make it home before dark, he invited me to come and stay with him and his family in Tewkesbury.
135. Rucker restructured his contract to stay with the Panthers, then started his grueling rehab.
136. And unattractive people are more likely to stay with me because they tend to have a tough time getting hired, in part because they generally don't network efficiently.
137. At this age hie desire to stay with you is very keen.
138. Noted geneticist Snoop Dogg once said--and I'm paraphrasing here--that no matter where one goes in life, one's surroundings during one's formative years stay with one for life.
139. If Abbiati chooses Toro, then he will stay with them. I do not see problems in extending the free loan deal.
140. Sally was going to get permission to stay with us a little and one Thursday she came finally with a sack full of clothes and a paper bag of sweetbread her mama sent.
141. When he came secretly to Paris to meet the Chinese ambassador, Huang Zhen, Kissinger was made to stay with Walters, the military attache of the American Embassy in Paris.
142. Even when you swing in slow motion, you're grooving a muscle memory that will stay with you.
143. Antonio Conte's men make early enquiries for out-of-favour defender, who has previously said he wants to stay with the Serie A champions.
144. Lewis' attorney, James E. Rocap, III, filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari and Application for Stay with the United States Supreme Court, but the Court declined to review the case.
145. Bad times are indelible -- they stay with you forever.
145. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
146. Why am I so scared of that time goes away and can not be allowed stay with you everlastingly .
147. However, a commercial agency could be very expensive and the applicants are less likely to stay with the company for a long time.
148. Mary Holmes of Rockford is coming to stay with me a few days next week.
149. So unlike the little toe, which may eventually vanish and is equally useless, the appendix is likely to stay with us for a long time - just hanging around doing nothing.
150. I love kids, When I stay with children, their naive, naughty and teeny-weeny lovely idea, let me can not help but want to give them more love. Also make the job becomes a kind of enjoy life mode!
More similar words: play withget away withdo away withrun away withmake away withplay with fireget away with murdertoy withcomply within company withbe busy withidentify withkeep company withwithstandstart withhaywireto start withgo haywirenotwithstandingstaystaysstay outstay upstay atstay onstay instayingstay awaystay putstay over
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